Global Water Solution Technologies: Sustainable water innovation expertise partner network
Ultimately the water cycle is one planetary system, so better treatment of water in one industry can have positive effects in another. If less chemicals are used to soften water or keep reservoirs or pipes clean, there are ultimately less chemicals entering the water supply which will at some stage end up in irrigation systems. And if less chemicals or hormones are used in animals’ drinking water, this is kept out of precious groundwater.
This is circular sustainability and the improvement of water efficiency from tap to field and beyond.
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Participating expertise partners:
Aguabel is a Belgian manufacturer of professional water disinfection systems. The Aguapure process is based on cell membrane technology and guarantees a perfect and efficient disinfection. The result is very hygienic, odorless and pure water. When water quality is essential, Aguabel offers you a customized solution.
Precision irrigation - Sustainable buildings - Animal production.
AQUA4D supports sustainable transitions around the world with the most efficient water treatment technology on the market. Since 2004, AQUA4D has brought market-leading water efficiency to various industries in over 40 countries. We open bespoke projects tailored to the water management needs of the customer. Our water-smart technology is used in various settings, with invariably positive effects: greater productivity, resource efficiency and sustainability. Lescrauwaet BV is AQUA4D importer for the Benelux and Germany.
Water saving - Efficiency improvement - Salinity management - Maintenance reduction

The AQUASONIC ultrasonic device is a very powerful algae killer that is also able to remove the biofilm of walls and stones so that fungus and bacteria can't reproduce. It is capable to keep ponds algae free under certain circumstances. The Biosonic is an ultrasonic device that is placed in pipes to remove the biofilm that is responsable for the multiplication of fungus and bacteria. The devices are not harmful for fish and breed.
NUFiltration is a innovative global company with one main drive: to spread and apply the NUF technology in the field of water and waste water treatment. The NUF technology is based on a worldwide granted patent which provides for the reuse of sterilized medical devices - UltraFiltration filters at 3.3 nm nominal filtration rate. Power Plastics BV is NUF importer for Europe.
UO2 provides solutions that include the latest award-winning patented aeration technology in the world to increase the dissolved oxygen (DO) in water at rates and speeds never been seen before. Micro and Ultra-Fine bubbles are extremely small gas bubbles that have several unique physical properties that make them very different from normal bubbles. These properties make UFB-Ultra Fine Bubbles a superior aeration method for several applications around the world. Lescrauwaet BV-Hilversum is UO2 importer for Europe.
Dynamax is the global leader in production and integration of plant-environmental monitoring instrumentation. This by delivering innovative technologies that help growers optimize water management and nutrient usage. Our advanced sensors, including sap flow sensors, soil moisture sensors, and weather monitoring systems, provide precise, real-time data to support smarter decision-making and improve overall crop performance.

SureFlow products by CH2O were designed for hydroponic, greenhouse and field drip irrigation networks. We introduced the first E.P.A. registered chlorine dioxide product into the irrigation water treatment sector… SureFlowTM. E.P.A. registration compliments our patented methods and composition science. Clients have commented that CH2O Inc. “revolutionized their industry,” motivating our team to develop new innovations in product application and configures equipment for sophisticated dosing control. This new generation of equipment efficiently delivers treatment into your irrigation water.
Aguabel customer references
Aqua4D customer references
Aqua-Biosonic customer references
Global Water Solution Technologies: Sustainable water innovation expertise partner network
The fresh water constitute only arround 3% of the total water on earth and less than 1% is in the form of lakes and rivers. Considering the rapidly increasing human population and demand for diverse food items crop production must increase substantially.
At the same time arable land and good quality irrigation water resources are being depleted at faster rate particularly in the arid, semi-arid and tropical regions. Over the years the salinization of soil and water has steadily increased due to various causes and the increase in food production has essentially depends on this degrading resources.
Since the balance between water demand and water availability has reached critical level in many regions of the world a sustainable approach to water resources and salinity management has become imperative.
Ultimately the water cycle is one planetary system, so better treatment of water in one industry can have positive effects in another. If less chemicals are used to soften water or keep reservoirs or pipes clean, there are ultimately less chemicals entering the water supply which will at some stage end up in irrigation systems. And if less chemicals or hormones are used in animals’ drinking water, this is kept out of precious groundwater.
On a human level, efficient systems also translate to more efficient workflows, with employees and managers spared the time and costs previously associated with maintenance of water systems.
On a wider societal level, if growers in water-scarce regions can sustainably transform their poor-quality water to use for irrigation, this leaves precious potable water available for human consumption.
This is circular sustainability and the improvement of water efficiency from tap to field and beyond.
Please don't hesitate to contact our expertise partners for a brainstorm or request.
Global Water Solution Technologies - Sustainable water innovation partner network
Tel: +31-(0)35-8872683
CoC: 35028470
Global Water Solution Technologies is a Lescrauwaet BV initiative.
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